Okay... today is my last calm day as it is still a holiday at home. And here, sort of. However, come tomorrow evening, all measures of insanity will be off the chart. Here's the schedule - Edinburgh is now six hours ahead of Quebec as we changed to daylight savings time this past weekend. So, the ABSOLUTE earliest I would get a call is, I imagine early Tuesday evening. However, if the Canadian calls follow the pattern of the Brit calls then the calls won't be going out to early evening of the office's local time. Uggh! So that would be in the hours just before and after midnight here. Needless to say my phone will be left on overnight ;) Although, one must wonder, would I remember the call? Sometimes when people tell me stuff when I'm almost asleep I have no recollection of it whatsoever. Although this, I imagine, I will remember because I will probably bounce out of bed, grab a Tennants from the fridge, call home/everyone, and then stay up the rest of the night watching Disney movies. I *would* put in the effort not to wake the flatmates, but no guarantees.
Actually, I'm kind of excited now and want my call to come at an odd hour. Now I'm getting excited! This replaces the sick-to-my-stomach feeling of last night.
Anyway, if I don't get a call by Thursday evening Edinburgh time I am to call Eric at Castaway and ask him if I got the job. I expect if I don't receive a call my then that I 1) did not get the job, or 2) am on the "maybe" list.
So lets try to focus on something else. (HA HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHHA!!! ... right.)
On Thursday, or perhaps Wednesday, I came up with the brilliant idea to host an Easter shingding at our flat. Neither Keri or I felt a dinner was necessary, so I proposed the new Easter egg-stravaganza of
Sundae Sunday. Sunday afternoon Keri and I trucked over to the Tesco and bought vanilla ice cream and numerous of toppings and sauces to make sundaes. Four litres of ice cream and numerous sprinkles later, there were ten rather full people lazing around our livingroom watching Old School. Anyway, Sundae Sunday was quite the hit and very economical! It cost about £5.60 for the whole thing so we just divided up the costs between everyone.
I went to the gym yesterday and the bowl that is usually filled with apples was filled with large, Lindt chocolate eggs. The good stuff, as we like to call it. I was told to take one on the way in, but assured the folk at the desk that taking one on the way in would just lead to me sitting in the locker room eating chocolate for an hour. So I took one on the way out, made a comment about being the hero of our Easter fiesta, so Front Desk Guy insisted I take more! Needless to say, the rubberarm had been twisted. In a completely related note, I sinned soooo badly when it came to money and sugar this week. The thought of eating anymore chocolate makes me wince - as with ice cream. (Exception: chocolate coated digestive cookies.)
In terrible news, the trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park (if you put that into google and type safari as sufari you get my blog!)
did not happen. The bus did not show up. Ugh. Screw you, First Bus, SCREW YOU. It was probably a blessing in disguise as it was incredibly hazy and foggy and cold and rainy. However, us two canucks, one yank, one aussie and one south african made a brutal mistake Sat morning: we chose to go to Deep Sea World. Absolute waste of money. The only highlights were that corral reef photographs nicely, I saw a stingray eat a funny small fish and I got to touch a snake. And the train trip to the place was also lovely. Yay, train. And the building in which the attracted was located was about the same temp as outside. Brilliant. I love seeing my breath. Ugh!
I spent more money than I meant to on Saturday night because the bartender at Buddy Mulligan's was hot. I don't want to jump the gun here, but I'm pretty sure that out of the 100s of girls he served that night I was the most memorable because I was the only one wearing red hiking boots in the bar. And you know how often bartenders look at customers' footware. (Oh, sarcasm from Jen! How terribly surprising!)
Anyway, lunch time is over despite the fact I still have more I want to type. Maybe if I work fast. Like, super fast. And on the plus side, the non-Disney portion of my blog did help me take my mind off the fact that I am waiting for the most IMPORTANT PHONE CALL OF MY LIFE to occur within the next few days. Breath in, breath out. And re-analyze my interview for the 400th time. I'll be honest, it could have went better, but I was too excited to be overly professional.
Oooh.... now the ole mind is wandering again.. Help!
The end.